A better story about us

Almaz Aliev
2 min readMay 26, 2022

I belong to generation X. A while ago one of my fellow Xer wrote a letter where he apologised for what we have done to the planet and in what state we are going to pass the Earth on to the next generations. I was deeply touched with the letter, it expressed our desperate situation at the time. But, now we can tell a different story because we are going to pass the planet in good condition very soon.

It was quite a mess already when my generation arrived. We continued to do what was considered normal. We thought it was always like this. But, now we see the world more clearly. Many of us have been working on solutions, rules, and systems to turn the Earth into a place where we are proud to live. I am convinced that the collective work we have been doing is going to make a big difference.

The mess on Earth is going to be solved only by a systemic approach. There are leaders who are building robust systems and coordinating solutions for this purpose. I developed a possible necessary piece into the ecological system of the future. I sent many letters (1,2,3,4,5 etc) to different leaders and I hope they will answer me. I hope they take my solutions into account because it will have a big impact.

Disclaimer. I am an independent researcher, therefore I’m not paid for anything I research or write about. I do my research during my nighttime after my daytime job in IT. I do it to increase the probability of having a better future for all of us. If you would like to thank me for what I do, please consider supporting my research https://almaz-aliev.medium.com/about

